At 17:14 +0200 on 21/10/98, Memphisto wrote:
> Another problem. I issued the following query:
> select * from annex_log where login_start
> between
> (select date_trunc('month','now'::datetime)) and
> (select date_trunc('month','now'::datetime)) +
> timespan('1 month'::reltime);
> but postgresql said there's a parse error near select
> while the following query did work
> select * from annex_log where login_start >=
> (select date_trunc('month','now'::datetime)) and login_start <
> (select date_trunc('month','now'::datetime) +
> timespan('1 month'::reltime));
> Why?
Probably because the parentheses are not balanced in the first query. But
why the subqueries, anyway? Why not simply:
SELECT * FROM annex_log
WHERE login_start
BETWEEN date_trunc('month','now'::datetime)
AND ( date_trunc('month','now'::datetime) + '1 month'::timespan);
(Note that I also removed the redundant type conversion you did on '1 month').
Again, I recommend doing the >=, < thing rather than 'between', because
'between' will also allow the actual value of 1998-09-01 (for example) to
be included. It's a close interval, rather than a half-open one.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project